Friday, February 10, 2012

if i come back,,,

now, i might come back on this one (for starters?) and if i do, i'm just gonna post stuff in whatever format...
could be flac, could be ogg, could be mp3...could be mp-fuck you if you don't like it!
whatever, i got some shit i wanna share, but if i come back and a damn single one of you bitches at me about the fuckin' format, or the bit rate or the blah blah blah, then what ever...DON'T GET IT THEN!!


  1. lol, i was just venting a little bit...

  2. That`s the only way...

  3. Glad to see you've been posting a few new shows. I actually like the new attitude. If people are getting something for free, DO NOT COMPLAIN. Thanks for putting up the shows.

    Bob W.
